René Ashton
"Comprehensive, honest, entertaining" By Sonya English
I've taken a popular, respected, Los Angeles 8-week commercial program that promised to be comprehensive. It was great. This book is better. I started it in a waiting room before a commercial audition yesterday and pretty much didn't stop reading. I didn't want to waste another LA minute!
René Ashton has packed so much valuable information into this tiny, extremely easy read. I kind of want to write an essay here about why it's such a value, but I'll Cliff's note my potentially book-length review:
1. It contains the practical tools you need to get started if you don't know the first thing about how commercials work as well as clever tips for someone working in commercials that will likely improve their future auditions.
2. She's got a great attitude we'd all do well to adopt. It's all fun. When it isn't, think about it differently. Auditioning can feel like an uphill march but René seems to genuinely have a ball all the time. And not because she's had this paved road to success, either. She includes her own disappointments and unglamorous side ventures (listed with how long it took her to quit or get fired... typically a couple days or weeks). But I've no doubts that her relentless optimism is a big part of her continued success.
3. You don't have to take her word for it. She took time to interview agents and CDs.
Hope that's helpful! My opinion is you should buy the book and then buy another one for your actor friend's birthday so you can be a hero. That's what I'm going to do..."
"This book tells you everything you need to know to get started in commercials" By Akeba Gaddis
"This book spells out, in detail, everything you need to get started doing commercials. I didn't know where to even start until I read this book. The author knows the industry and can tell you how to book commercials. And she helps you avoid the pitfalls of the industry. The chapter on auditioning is worth the price alone. She tells you how to make yourself stand out from the rest of the crowd which is vital in getting that callback. She comes up with tips I would have never thought of and prepares you thoroughly for the audition. If you're looking to get commercial work, this is definitely a must read."
"High conflict divorce continues to produce terrible and sometimes lifelong psychological damage to the children of divorce. One of the most challenging obstacles for parents to overcome are decisions revolving around custody schedules and post-divorce co-parenting.
Custody decision-making is a notorious battleground with the quest being “to win” child custody. Sadly, there really are no winners during a divorce and the losers in this battle are always the children. Parents lose sight of the fact that the person they are battling with is the mother or father of their child and that child only wants to see and hear about the good in each parent. Focusing on the ex-spouse tends to blind parents from the insight and awareness of the harm they are causing their children by arguing, fighting, and being vicious in front of the eyes and ears of their own children.
In my practice I coach parents how to get through a divorce or custody dispute on the path of least
resistance. Eventually, there is almost always a sense of relief by my clients that they no longer have to fight, but instead can advocate with purpose and good child-centered judgment. This is an uphill effort, but the parents who stick with it are the ones willing to do the personal work that requires them to keep their children’s best interests in the forefront. This orients a parent to a personal and internal therapeutic

"At last an amazing book has arrived, How To Stop Hating Your Ex So You Can Co-Parent In Peace. This information will provide millions of parents with an educational tool that will teach, motivate, test, solve and change barriers that often interfere with the important task of parents working together after a divorce or separation.
René Ashton’s personal experiences of struggling and surviving are comforting and insightful. Ms. Ashton encourages one to
become transparent with their own emotions without guilt as they work through the difficult process of parenting after a separation.
A valuable resource long pass due. Thanks.”
Jacqueline Bunkley, Social Worker, Teacher & Consultant/ Guest Lecturer for the Los Angeles Superior Court/ Family Court Services/ PACT
"Overcoming abusive relationships is a multi-dynamic process. René Ashton's book kick-starts the healing by compassionately bringing the reader to a safe place to examine his/her own needs and the strengths possessed to achieve them."
Julia P. Pengra Clarke, M.A. RDT.
"As a mediator, I have conducted well over 4,500 child custody mediations. Many disputed issues can be avoided, making court intervention unnecessary if divorcing parents learn how to deal with their own thoughts and emotions first. How to Stop Hating Your Ex lays out a very simple, yet effective way to do just that and as a result, save themselves and their children a lot of heartache. I heartily endorse Rene' Ashton's work because she speaks truth straight from her own experiences. I am convinced that if more post-divorce parents would apply what she teaches, there would be fewer protracted family law court cases and families would be able to get on with their lives much sooner.
Richard E. Abbey, MA
Empowering Families
"As a matrimonial and custody lawyer for 30 years I’ve been leading the fight for fathers’ rights and I know first-hand what my firm’s clients need to get through the demanding world of Family Law. This masterful integration of her personal story, empathy for the reader and thoughtfully created exercises insures that when an individual is ready they will have a powerful tool in their hands.
René’s insightful and heartfelt work will become an indispensable guidebook and resource for those who are ready to move forward
in their life and the lives of their children.
Attorney Jeffery M. Leving
undertaking rather than an external battle that has collateral damage to the child. Growth does not come with easy decisions, but always with personal change and substantial compromise to be the better person and better parent.
How To Stop Hating Your Ex So You Can Co-Parent In Peace comes as a valuable resource for any parent going through a divorce. I have found it to be extremely unique in the brutal honesty that was disclosed by René Ashton’s journey through a painful co-parenting relationship and custody matter. If you are a parent in a divorce, you will surely identify with her regardless of your gender and learn from her shared strengths and weaknesses. The exercises in this book are ones that promote your own honesty and encourage you to remain engaged in prioritizing your child’s needs. It will hold you accountable for being responsive to their development and well being. This accountability can raise your esteem and challenge you to reach your potential to be an optimal role model as the mother or father your child deserves. This book will become a “must-read” and “must-do” form of therapeutic homework for the clients in my practice in years to come."
Dr. Eric Frazer, Forensic Psychologist
Assistant Clinical Professor-Yale University School of Medicine